Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Lion who thought he Goats

Once upon a time. In a jungle far away. There is a lion baby, his mother died after he born to the world. Baby lions are weak without the protection of its mother's inside, hungry and colds, the lion ask for help with his last strength. Meanwhile, a group of goats came across the place. A goat mother heard the baby lion's cry. He felt pity to see a weak lion baby and live alone.

The mother instinct to care for and protect the baby appears. The goat mother approached and tenders the lion baby with great warmth and affection. Having the warmth of affection that he needs, the lion baby does not want to part with the female goats. He continued to follow the mother goat to go anywhere. The baby lion is accepted as a part of the goat big family.

Day by day and children grow and big lion in the care of mother goats and sheep live in the community. He was feeding, eating, drinking, and playing with the kids the other goat. His behavior is like a goat. Even the young lion make a sound like a bleating goat that is not the roar! He felt that he was the goat, not unlike the other goats. He did not ever feel that he is a lion.

One day, there was a tremendous noise. A wolf goes hunting wild goats for prey. Goats panic. All fear. Older goat who also fears the lion asked the child to face the wolves.

"You're a lion, you could face the wolf! Give him a huge roar and he will definitely running scared!" the elder goat said to the lion baby. The baby lion is already looks great and sturdy, but since the little lion lives in the middle of the goat community, he did not have learn about how to became a lion, nobody teach him. The lion scared to the wolf and took shelter behind the biggest goat. He screamed bloody murder and what came out of his mouth is bleat sound, just like the other goat was not roaring. The lion could not do something when one young goat is attacked by the wolf and taken away.

The elder goat is very sad because one of her children were taken by wolves. He looked the young lion with suppuration and angry feelings, "You should be defending us! You should save your brother! Should be able to drive out the evil wolf!

Son of the lion can only be lowered his head. He does not understand why they blame him for the wolf. He was already afraid of the wolf as the other goats. The young lion felt so sad because he could not do anything.

The next day the wolf came again. Back hunt the goats to eat. This time the mother goat was caught and has been gripped by a wolf. All goats were brave enough to help. The young lion was angry to see his goat mother had been gripped by a wolf. A wolf is very surprised to see there is a lion in front of him. He let go his grip. The wolf was trembling with fear! Guts out! He resigned; he felt that day was the end of his life! With great anger the lion boy cried aloud, it's just a goat sound with strange accent. Then he retreated to the rear.

Viewing behavior of young lion, the wolf is ferocious and cunning immediately knew that that was before him was a mentally lion goat. It makes no difference with the goats. Immediately his fear disappeared. He growled angrily, and planned to eat the lion first.

Feeling that he was goat, the young lion crash his head like a goat, the wolf has been prepared with strong horses. With a little twisted the wolf tore the lion boy's face with its claws. The young lion fell and woe, such as goat moaning. The mother goat witnessed the event with great anxiety. Parent goat wondered why a stocky lion was defeated by a wolf. Is not the lion is the king of the jungle?

Without giving the slightest mercy the wolf attacking the young lion, who are still moaning. The wolf was ready to finish off the lion. At that critical moment, the mother goat who did not have the heart, with all his might hit the wolf. The wolf darted off. Lion awake.

And at that moment, an adult lion's roar came up with a vengeance.

All goats scared and docked! The young children also fear the lion and come closer. While the wolf run. As an adult lion about to pounce on the goat herd, he was surprised in the midst of the goat herd there is a young lion.

Some goats flee, others ran away. The young lion ran away too. The lion was still stunned. He wondered why children join lion ran away following the goat? He pursued young lion and said, "Hey you do not run! You're a lion, not a goat! I will not prey on young lion!

But the young lion were kept running and running. Adult lions continue to pursue. He did not chase a herd of goats, but instead pursue cubs. At last the lion was caught. The young lion who think he was goat fear the lion.

"Do not kill me, please...!"

"You're a lion, not a goat. I did not kill the young lion! "

With a struggling young lion said, "No I am a goat! Please release me! "

Lion child struggled and cried out loud. His voice was not a roar but bleat sound, just like the sound of goats.

The lion adult wonder. How any young lion could voice goats and sheep mentality? With a furious lion he dragged the boy into the lake. He must show who actually the lion child is. Once in the clear lake water, he asked the young lion saw his own shadow.

Then compare with the adult lions.

When he saw the shadow of himself, the son of the lion was shocked, "Oh my god, my face and body is same with you. Same with the lion, the king of the jungle! "

"Yes, because you actually cubs. Not the goat! "
"So I'm not a goat? I was a lion! "
"Yes you are a lion, king of the forest is authoritative and feared by the whole forest! Let me teach how to become a king of the jungle! " Lion adults said

Adult lion then lifted his head with dignity and with a loud roar. The young lion imitate the lion then, and with a loud roar. Yes roaring, vibrating throughout the forest. Not far from there vicious wolf that ran faster and faster, he fears the lion roars from the young children

Son of the lion was again shouted triumphantly, "I was a lion! Forest king gallant! "

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Dasar tentang Alphabet Korea

Sejarah Singkat Alphabet Korea (Hangeul)

Alphabet Korea yang disebut “Hangeul/Hangul” diperkenalkan di masa Raja Sejong Agung dan selesai sekitar 1444. Sebelum itu, karakter (huruf) Cina digunakan sebagai bahasa tulis. Kemudian, raja Sejong ingin memiliki script sendiri yang mudah dipelajari oleh siapa saja – bahkan rakyat jelata. Setelah penciptaannya, Hangul dikatakan cukup mudah untuk dipelajari. Hangul sejak pertama kali diperkenalkan, itu telah melewati banyak tahap perbaikan. Setelah Korea mengalami reformasi besar selama penjajahan Jepang di awal 1900-an, banyak menghapus dan mengubah beberapa aturan pada huruf lama sehingga menjadi huruf Hangul seperti yang digunakan sekarang.
Mempelajari huruf Korea (Aphabet Korea) atau yang biasa disebut dengan “Hangul” ini sangat mudah bila dibandingkan dengan belajar huruf Hanzi China atau huruf Kanji/Romaji-nya Jepang. Kalau belajar huruf Hanzi/Kanji (Romaji) butuh waktu yang lama, dan perlu ketekunan yang ekstra untuk mempelajarinya. Ini berbeda kalau kita belajar huruf Korea, karena untuk bisa mengenal huruf-huruf Korea kita hanya memerlukan waktu beberapa jam sampai beberapa hari saja.
Huruf /aphabet Korea (Hangul) itu relative mudah dipelajari karena :
-   Alphabet Korea jumlah hurufnya hanya mempunyai 24 huruf dasar (14 huruf konsonan dan 10 vokal), dan beberapa huruf “kombinasi” yang berasal dari gabungan huruf-huruf dasar yaitu : ㄱ ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, dan ㅈ.
-  Alphabet Korea dalam penyusunannya memakai sistem Sillabic. Untuk membentuk sebuah suku kata atau blok itu tersusun dari 2 atau 3 huruf dan disusun dari kiri ke kanan atau dari atas ke bawah, tergantung huruf-huruf apa yang disusun. Bagi orang yang masih belajar, tips agar tidak bingung, kita bisa singkapi dengan melihat dan mengira-ngira tepat tidaknya peletakan huruf-hurufnya. Jika dipandang terasa kurang enak, kita akan tahu bahwa susunannya itu salah dan sebaliknya. Jika itu dibiasakan maka lama-lama akan cepat hafal bagaimana menyusun menjadi sebuah kata atau blok secara benar.
-  Huruf-huruf Korea bila digabung dengan huruf satu dengan huruf yang lainnya untuk membentuk sebuah kata, tidak terjadi perubahan bentuk.
-  Memang, melafalkan bahasa Korea jika diromanizasi ke bahasa Inggris agak sulit karena aksen/pengucapan antara keduanya berbeda. (Suara bahasa Inggris dan suara bahasa Korea tidak sama). Jika ingin belajar bahasa Korea sebaiknya tidak menggunakan romanisasi (alih bahasa) ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Tidak ada suara F, V, dan Z di bahasa Korea. Bahasa Korea jelas tidak berisi semua suara dari bahasa Inggris, begitu sebaliknya, bahasa Inggris tidak berisi semua suara dari bahasa Korea. Oleh karena itu, abjad Inggris kurang akurat mewakili suara Korea. Tapi walaupun begitu,  setiap kita jumpai huruf hangul yang diromanisasikan hampir pasti menggunakan romanisasi ke bahasa Inggris, karena bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Internasional yang paling banyak digunakan untuk komunikasi antar negara.
Jika seseorang ingin belajar bahasa Inggris, orang harus belajar abjad Inggris dan suaranya. Dan sebaliknya, jika seseorang ingin belajar bahasa Korea, orang harus belajar alfabet Korea dan suaranya. Tapi kita beruntung sekali, karena pelafalan bahasa Korea akan lebih mudah bila diromanizasi ke bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Jawa, karena ada persamaan pengucapan/aksen. Misalnya, pengucapan huruf “o” dalam bahasa Jawa : Loro (artinya dua) dan Loro (artinya sakit). Atau kata Roso (artinya Kuat) dan Roso (artinya Rasa). Karena ada persamaan aksen, orang Korea-pun akan faseh melafalkan kata-kata itu.
Begitu halnya jika mengucapkan huruf Hangul misalnya “a, i, u, e, o” kalau diucapkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia bacanya sama yaitu “a, i, u, e, o”. Tapi kalau diucapkan ke bahasa Inggris ucapannya menjadi “e, ai, yu, i, o”. Ini yang menyebabkan jika diromanisasikan ke bahasa Inggris menjadi agak membingungkan bagi yang belum terbiasa.

Sumber :  http://learnkoreantogether.wordpress.com

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Software Pembuat Musik

Musik mau pun lagu menjadi pemicu banyak hal untuk orang berlomba-lomba menghasilkan karya yang baik. Mulai dari perasaan kesedihan, kemarahan, bahkan peperangan sekalipun membuat seseorang sanggup menciptakan alunan indah dengan musik. Karna, selama kita masih ada musik akan terus di butuhkan. Berjalan dengan perkembangan jaman, proses terciptanya lagu pun tak akan pernah berhenti, di mulai dari tahap recording kelas artis sampai pada recording kelas rumahan. Sudah wajar apabila kemajuan dunia tekhnologi memberi jalan untuk memudahkan itu semua.
3 Software Pembuat Musik Digital Image
Artikel hari ini tentu saja akan membahas beberapa software yang bisa membuat musik, mulai dari jenis MIDI sampai recording kelas profesional. Sebagai contoh, LMMS atau linux Multimedia Studio. Aplikasi ini mampu memperkecil jarak antara recording profesional yang menggunakan software berbayar dengan sebuah “indie studio“.

Hydrogen 0.9.6 Alpha 1

Mungkin Anda sudah pernah mendengar bagaimana suara drum digital, atau bahkan Anda sudah pernah mendengar suara drum elektrik? Sekilas bila di lihat dari namanya, Hydrogen malah sama sekali tak ada berhubungan dengan fungsinya sebagai aplikasi simulasi. Tujuan dari di ciptakannya aplikasi ini adalah untuk memudahkan para profesional dalam membuat sebuah pattern drum. Interface dasarnya memang masih menggunakan QT.
3 Software Pembuat Musik Digital Image
Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk membuka file berformat FLAC. Disediakan bagian Patern dengan jumlah tak terbatas dan fitur yang dapat mengubah hasil karya Anda ke format yang populer di gunakan. Bisa di unduh secara gratis di http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Audio/Audio-Mixers-Synthesizers/Team-Hydrogen.shtml.

LMMS 0.4.12

Kepanjangan dari LMMS adalah singkatan dari Linux Multimedia Studio yang berfungsi hampir sama dengan FL Loop. Bedanya, LMMS bisa di jalanan di Linux (sesuai namanya) dan Windows. Fungsi utama dari software ini adalah menghasilkan musik menggunakan komputer rumahan. mulai dari proses mixing suara, dan pengaturan sample suara. Aplikasi ini juga dapat di koneksikan dengan keyboard controller eksternal. Bisa di unduh secara gratis di http://sourceforge.net/projects/lmms/files/latest/download?source=files
3 Software Pembuat Musik Digital Image

Orinj 2.3.0

Orinj di ciptakan sebagai salah satu aplikasi recording audio. Laind ari itu, Software ini juga mampu melakukan proses edit file seperti Wave dan MIDI. Orinj di ciptakan sebenarnya untuk Home Recording Rumahan. Tidak memandang seberapa banyak file audio yang anda miliki, terlebih lagi aplikasi ini gratis dan bisa mengendalikan volume dan pan. Cukup banyak efek yang di sediakan seperti delay, reverb, dan compressor. Dapat di unduh secara gratis di http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Orinj-Download-188274.html
3 Software Pembuat Musik Digital Image
Dari beberapa penggunaan fungsi dan besarnya file, ketiga aplikasi di atas secara garis besar di tujukan untuk pengguna rumahan. Karena untuk Home Recording skala besar di anjurkan memakai Nuendo, SOonar dan FL Studio yang memiliki ruang kapasitas serta efek yang lengkap. Tetapi jika anda adalah seorang pemula di bidang musik, ke tiga aplikasi di atas adalah pelajaran pertama yang sangat penting untuk Anda.
Selamat membuat Musik Anda sendiri!

Sumber :  blog.fastncheap.com

Story of Timun Mas - Centre Java

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhnQo9mMmL0ATp1ZTHiT53ZAjzLgke3hqKajcpGxXfquY-xgb9Jp2L5tLWsWL79VBtda1IIg5dDufOqv39VjLbWe2FWty9UpeEZjoSQZMMHJlJlvpt5AZMbkOUIPyNn2piRTnKn3QHhjQ/s1600/timun-mas-folktale-2.jpgLong time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer.  They had married for some years but they had no children.  So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children.  Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster.  He granted their wish on one condition.  When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo.  He liked eating fresh meat of human being.  The farmers agreed to his condition.  Several months later the wife was pregnant.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  They named her Timun Emas.  The farmers were happy.  Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl.  She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house.  Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide.  The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child.  They asked him to postpone.  Buta Ijo agreed.  He promised to come again.  The following year Buta Ijo came again.  But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.

When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him.  They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt.

‘Timun, take these things’

‘What are these things?’

‘These are your weapons.  Buta Ijo will chase you.  He will eat you alive.  So run as fast as you can.  And if he will catch you spread this to the ground.  Now go!’

Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could.  When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home.  He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left.  So he ran to chase her.  He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.

Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up.  When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber.  In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber.  The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them.  When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.

But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again.  When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles.   Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass.  It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest.  Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.

Buta Ijo chased her again.  When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing.  This time it turned into a lake.  Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way.  But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt.  Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean.  Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly.

Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.
Pleasee, Post your Comment !! :)

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

The Legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu - West Java

Once upon a time in west Java, Indonesia lived a wise king who had a beautiful daughter.   Her name was Dayang Sumbi.  She liked weaving very much.  Once she was weaving a cloth when one of her tool fell to the ground.  She was very tired at the time so she was too lazy to take it.  Then she just shouted outloud.
‘Anybody there?  Bring me my tool.  I will give you special present.  If you are female,  I will consider you as my sister.  If you are male, I will marry you’
            Suddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang, came.  He brought her the falling tool.  Dayang Sumbi was very surprised.  She regretted her words but she could not deny it.  So she had to marry Tumang and leave her father.  Then they lived in a small village.  Several months later they had a son.  His name was Sangkuriang.  He was a handsome and healthy boy.
            Sangkuriang liked hunting very much.  He often went hunting to the wood using his arrow.  When he went hunting Tumang always with him.  In the past there were many deer in Java so Sangkuriang often hunted for deer.
            One day  Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangkuriang to hunt for a deer.   Then Sangkuriang went to the wood with his arrow and his faithful dog Tumang.  But after several days in the wood Sangkuriang could not find any deer.  They were all disappeared.  Sangkuriang was exhausted and desperate.  He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang.  He did not know that Tumang was his father.  At home he gave Tumang’s heart to her mother.
            But Dayang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s heart.  She was so angry that she could not control her emotion.  She hit Sangkuriang at his head.  Sangkuriang was wounded.  There was  a scar in his head.    She also repelled her son.   Sangkuriang left her mother in sadness.
            Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man.  He wandered  everywhere.     One day he arrived at his own village but he did not realized it.  There he met Dayang Sumbi.  At the time Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God so she stayed young forever.  Both of them did not know each other.  So they fell in love and then they decided to marry.
            But then Dayang Sumbi recognized a scar on his Sangkuriang’s head.  She knew that Sangkuriang was his son.  It was impossible for them to marry.  She told him but he did not believe her.  He wished that they marry soon.  So Dayang Sumbi gave a very difficult condition.  She wanted Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night!  She said she needed that for honeymoon. 
Sangkuriang agreed.  With the help of genie and spirits Sangkuriang tried to build them.  By midnight he had finished  the lake by building a dam in Citarum river.  Then he started building the boat.  It was almost dawn when he nearly finished it.  Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on them.  She was very worried when she knew this.  So she made lights in the east.  Then the spirits thought that it was already dawn.  It was time for them to leave.  They left Sangkuriang alone.  Without their help he could not finish the boat. 
Sangkuriang was very angry.  He kicked the boat.  Then the boat turned out to be Mount Tangkuban Perahu.  It means boat upside down.  From a distant it looks like a boat upside down.

From & thanks to :  http://bbudoyono.hubpages.com